Beware The Trickster’s Wrath

beward-the-tricksters-wrathOh Halloween, there’s nothing like this spooky candy bacchanalia to see the differences in the types. Who are the killjoys who give out toothbrushes and apples? Which types tend to be the parents who don the costumes and set up a mini haunted house outside their abodes? And who are those annoying over achieving parents who insist it’s not Halloween unless you make your own costume?

Well the killjoys are going to be Classics (SJs) who don’t have kids to yell at them for doing stuff that 20 years ago would have been punished with eggs and toilet paper. Pity there’s more treat than trick these days. Those parents who dress up and go crazy with the decorations are Funs (SPs) who don’t mind spending forever to perfect their scary tableaus. And while our Halloween logo drawing of the Wizard of Oz trick or treaters is my two oldest girls, and Organic Freedom (NFP) me it’s usually the Smarts (NTs) who have those big picture ideas, and Organic Freedoms who have the random idea and get dressed up once in a blue moon. Who makes the costumes? Oh, those annoyingly perfect Organic Structures (NFJs) like my mom. They have big picture ideas and the natural structure to plan and get these fabulous projects done in time for the big wild night. See our Halloween PixieTip from 2012 for examples.

Be safe out their tonight Pixies and spread mischief and fun wherever you go.