Get your proverbial lead out! We want to hear from you today. We’re going to start mixing in queries and ideas from you guys on our self-designated Fun Fridays. We’ll still pepper you with fun facts every once in awhile about personality type and what not but today we want to hear from you.

This week we’d like you to email us for gift ideas for a certain Pixie Type or just write in and tell us your favorite gift idea (and your Pixie Type). We’ll cherry pick a few and feature them in our PixieTips during our gift ideas week. And stay tuned because we’re thinking about doing a live webcast during lunch hour on Fridays where you’ll be able to see us LIVE and email us directly for home and life solutions … does Friday get more fun than that??

Email us at  … C’mon, you KNOW you want to email us! Pretty please??! Or just post some comments down below! All are welcome, every day.