NFJ • Idealist with a preference for Judging in their Outer-World Orientation

You are if you identify with being an Organic but you prefer to live your life in a scheduled and structured way. You feel better once things are settled and the plan is decided and you are stressed out by last minute plans and stresses. What’s easiest for you is scheduling and organization, what’s hardest is dealing with clutter and the unpredictability of home and life issues.

What’s Easy

  • You are very good at the big picture and value both personal and aesthetic harmony, which translates into an inviting, cozy and eclectic home. Your furniture, artwork and tchotchkes and books all have personal meaning.
  • What separates you from your FREEDOM counterparts is that you like to create structure and order in your world. Details can also overwhelm you, but you deal with this by creating lists that you go through and cross off in a linear fashion.
  • You are a good planner and have embraced the scheduler and calendar so that details don’t fall by the wayside.
  • You are a good cook who plans and shops in advance and follows recipes.
  • Even on vacation, unless you are going to the beach, you are the queen of the itinerary. And even at the beach, you unpack first before going to the water’s edge. First things first. Unless of course you are tired and the kids really need to run around. Although if you are with friends and she starts to unpack, you must join her for the sake of harmony.
  • You actually can leave the dishes until the morning, but then they must be done. While this might be hard for a CLASSIC or FUN to do, to you flexibility is important in home and life issues!

What’s Hard

  • It is much harder for you to relax when there is a mess of dishes in your kitchen, but since you are a visual big picture thinker, you can ignore the details of a dirty kitchen, especially when you can’t SEE it. Eventually the aesthetic disharmony of it will spur you to action.
  • You are always amazed when visiting your CLASSIC friend; she picks up your coffee cup after you’re finished and gets it into the dishwasher. It’s a detail you could never attend to in the real world. And in your mind, there’s no reason to. Life should be easy.
  • When planning, you don’t feel settled until once all the details are finished and attended to.
  • Filing in file cabinets and any organizational structure that is enclosed and not visual. You have to SEE your bills to DO them.
  • Clutter will always be a lifelong struggle. As structured as you are, you have a keenly developed visual sense that means you need to have lots of things out in the open, which of course means clutter. Luckily, you DO have a highly developed visual sense, and a keen ability to get things done (J) so it is the tidiest and most stylish clutter in the world.
  • Being on time. Yes with your outer-world orientation, you’d think you would always be on time, but your big picture perceiving function can get in the way of the details inherent in the concept of time. You aren’t as leisurely as you ORGANIC FREEDOM (NP) and FUN (SP) counterparts, but being on time is something you have to focus on.
  • Not breaking the finer things like china & crystal. You tend to break things more than CLASSIC and FUN types. It’s a detail thing. Buy and treat housewares accordingly.