I saw this tip in Real Simple and at first thought, “Well actually that’s kind of a nifty way to avoid watery ice at a party.”

At a party, stash ice in a colander set on top of a bucket or a bowl. Water will drain out, and guests will get only the solid stuff.

And it’s almost brilliant. Actual brilliance would involve reinventing the ice bucket with a built in strainer.

At first I thought this tip had a Classic Structure (STJ) jerry-rigging written all over it. But I do so hope most Classic Structures would immediately see the inherent problem with this tip.

Ice buckets are designed to work like a cooler. The more the lid is closed, the longer the cooler keeps the stuff cold and frozen inside. They’re not refrigerators so admittedly things eventually dethaw and melt. Now realistically, at a party, lots of people don’t understand this concept and therefore don’t put the lid back on the ice bucket and you end up with a soupy mess of ice and water. But, this is where the tongs come in handy as well as being a host or hostess who stays sober enough to actually check on their party supplies DURING the party.

My main beef with this tip is that by putting the ice in an open colander, it’s going to melt super fast and you’ll have to replace the ice more frequently. So, I’m not sure how this trick simplifies one’s life. And isn’t that the point of Real Simple? To simplify your life?? I know plenty of Classic Structures who like to do things the hard way and that’s why in conjunction with the jerry-rigged nature of this idea, I felt it had their signature all over it. BUT, a Fun Structure (STP) could’ve come up with it because that is a very attractive strainer and most Classic Structures would’ve just used 10 year old plastic strainer they have on hand — unless said Classic Structure got married within the past 10 years and registered for an attractive colander.

I say skip this one unless you don’t have an ice bucket or you’re entertaining someone with an actual OCD about picking ice out of the water. But, even then, maybe keep the ice bucket with its lid on and offer to make this guest drinks. That is the proper way to host anyway.